From Resin to Seals: Things You Should Know about Polymer for Industrial Application

Polymer is a durable material that is used for many industrial applications such as construction, plumbing and even the automotive industry. Its wide array of uses is thanks to the fact that it's extremely water resistant and fade-proof.


Durable polymer begins from a humble resin; a clear, liquid product made of plastic. To make the hardened polymer, the liquid plastic resin is infused with a liquid catalyst. When these are mixed in the appropriate amount, the catalyst activates the resin and begins the hardening process.


Curing refers to the chemical process that occurs as the resin shifts from liquid to solid state. Depending on the materials that make up the polymer, the resin can cure from 48 to 72 hours. In this process, bubbles usually form, but they can be removed from the final product through the application of heat.


Once the resin has completely cured, water and a clean, damp cloth can be used to clean it up. Minor scratches can be rubbed off while the polymer is still hot. After cleaning, the finished product is now ready to be used as polymer seals.

Polymer-based products include credit cards, cookware, liquid absorbing crystals, take-out containers, and PET bottles.